

Austin Randolph is ISSA Certified Personal Trainer who has over a decade of experience.

His passion for healthy living started many years ago, but as he studied the art of transforming the body, he discovered that the entire being has a huge effect on the physical body; however, after talking to numerous clients, they do not desire ONLY a body “RENOVATION” but, they want a total transformation to get a genuine “peace of mind.”

Our mission is total transformation, body, mind, and spirit. We are dedicated to tailoring an achievable, custom workout plan that will guide individuals toward attaining their desired physical goals. We also go beyond the physical realm, equipping you with a resilient mindset to conquer life’s challenges. Our commitment is to instruct and embark on a transformative journey together. Along this path, we dive deep into intangible principles, nurturing your spiritual nature that ultimately empowers you to transform your world and live out your true purpose.