Group Fitness Instructor
- Certified ZUMBA Instructor
- Certified ZUMBA Toning Instructor
- ZIN Network Member
- Certified Les Mills Body
- Pump Instructor
- Certified Barre Above Instructor
- CPR and AED Certified
Personal Info
- Graduate of Lewis University
- BSN Degree in Nursing
- Married for 18 years
- I have 2 children
- Teaching Philosophy:
Fitness Philosophy
We are all Individuals who come in different shapes, sizes, and body types. Because of this, we will all have different fitness levels and different goals we’re striving for. I’m here to help each individual move towards their fitness goals. Whether you’re working out to be healthy for yourself, or if it’s to lose a few pounds, I’m here to help you through the process. My classes are a “no judgment zone”, and anyone at any fitness level is welcome. The journey to a better you won’t be easy. If getting fit was easy we’d all be fit. I want to make working out as rewarding, and as fun as possible, while trying to push you out of your comfort zone to achieve your fitness goals. I teach to motivate, not intimidate!! I love what I do and want to share it with all of you!!
Motivational Quotes:
“Healthy looks different on everyone”
“If it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you”
“You don’t have to be extreme, just consistent”
“Is it one day, or day one, you decide”